5 Easy Bird Feeder Crafts – Best Bird Feeders DIY Projects

5 Easy Bird Feeder Crafts – Best Bird Feeders DIY Projects

Bird feeder crafts are fun and easy to make and teach kids to take care of the world around them .

Kids love to look at and learn about wildlife, and one you can help them do this is by encouraging them to help take care of the wildlife they see. A simple way of encouraging this is to have them make bird feeders for the yard so they can watch as birds come to your home to eat. There are many simple bird feeders to make.



It’s so important to teach kids to be kind to animals and take care of their world. Take a look at my book Create Your own Kindness for tons more ideas.

Bird feeder crafts

DIY bird feeder are juts the best fun to make and always pretty easy. – do let me knowin the comments below if you have any bird feeder ideas to share.

Apple slice homemade bird feeders

A slice of apple with string through the centre, smeared in peanut butter and pressed into apple seed. The simplest of nature crafts and awesome to then hang in a tree.



Bird Feeder Crafts


See more apple crafts in A Year of Nature Walks and Games 


Pine Cone Feeder

Probably the most simple bird feeder is the pine cone feeder. All you need is a pine cone and some string plus the food you will use. Tie the string to the top of the pine cone, make sure it is tied tight – you don’t want it to fall when a bird lands on it. I juts absolutely love pine cone bird feeders.

You can then cover the pine cone in different kinds of food for the birds. You can use plain peanut butter to cover the cone, or put the peanut butter on and then roll the cone in bird seed so it sticks to the peanut butter. You can also spread suet all over the pine cone and either leave it plain or roll it in bird seed. You can make an orange bird feeder the same way. Your feathered friends will just love it!

Ground Feeder

Some birds, such as mourning doves, do not like to sit on small little feeders and prefer feeders on the ground. These are easily made by using a tray or aluminum pie plate filled with seed. Cracked corn is a good type of seed for these feeders as it helps weigh them down so they don’t blow away. Do watch out for cats and other predators though

Tea Cup Bird feeder Crafts

Bird Feeder Crafts

Take a look here how to make the teacup feeder Tying knots is great for kids fine motor skills and this teacup bird feeder looks so pretty!



String Feeders – Simple Bird Feeder Crafts

Using some thread and a needle, you can make many different kinds of feeders. Always make sure to double up the thread to keep it strong. Then you can string popcorn, cranberries, raisins, and even bread cubes. Make a nice long string of food and then wrap it around tree branches, or through bushes or around a railing. These make fun biord feeders.

Plastic Pop Bottle or Milk Carton Feeders.

This is also a good way to recycle. Take the pop bottle or milk carton and punch two holes through the top of it. Run a string through the holes and tie the ends together to use as a hanger for your feeder.

Next, carefully cut out the front of the bottle. Make sure you start cutting a few inches up from the bottom of the bottle and go toward the top. You need to leave enough of a base to be able to fill your feeder. Make sure the opening is big enough for the birds to reach inside, but not so big that the food falls out too easily.

With any kind of bird feeder crafts, once you start filling them with feed, you need to continue. When birds start coming to your home to eat, they get used to the food being there so it is important to keep feeding them.

(Milk jugs or juice cartons also work to make jug bird feeder DIY’s)


Just a thought ..

Plastic bottles aren’t that popular any more – for good reason but if you do have one lying about it is a good ideas to recycle it after all!



Further reading

I hope you enjoyed this post you might also like my post on backyard adventures for kids 

Check out Red Ted Art for a cute owl bird feeder


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