Anger Management for Teens can be really impactful.
Teenagers who do not have the skills to manage their anger issues in a positive way are likely to cause trouble for themselves and those around them. They usually have problems at home and at school. They may end up having problems with the police.
If teenagers lack the ability to keep cool and manage their interactions, they may experience social withdrawal, academic underachievement, bullying, fighting and suicidal behaviors. Anger management techniques can teach young people how to change their behavior and to change their lives for the better, and the same techniques can help parents know what to do when tempers flare.
Anger Management for Teens – The Facts
Anger happens when people feel that something or someone has violated them or they have been trated unjustly or something they care about has been wronged.. It’s a normal human reaction that may occur from time to time. Teenagers with anger management problems respond to real or supposed grievances in excessive ways. They may be intimidating or outrightly aggressive. They may be impulsive and lack self-control. Such teenagers often misinterpret social cues, overreacting in ways that are likely to cause damage to people or property. Often they feel their only choice is aggression.
Parent Involvement In Anger Management for Teens in Different Ways
Learning how to manage anger and how to make good choices requires commitment, practice and patience from teens, together with their parents. They can practice positive social strategies, work on problematic behaviors and pursue successful outcomes at home, at school and at large. There are quite a few structured anger management programs for children and teenagers. These programs help parents develop their listening skills and encourage improvements in their teen’s communication and cooperation. their are many ways to calm an angry child no matter what their age.
Coping Strategies, Techniques & Skills
Most anger management programs have several components: Social skills training encourages appropriate behavior in social anger-provoking situations. Coping skills training gets teenagers to explore effective ways to deal with anger and frustration. Problem-solving skills training helps teens learn to assess situations and to make good choices. Cognitive skills training helps identify patterns of relating, thinking and behaving that help or hinder, and how to make changes based on those patterns. Relaxation training and deep breathing exercises teaches how to relax and let go of angry feelings.
Anger Management for Teens – Games And Activities For Teenagers
As unmanaged anger and anger management becomes a more recognizable problem among teens, the use of games to redirect that anger is becoming a viable option. However, it is not enough to just learn how to control or redirect the angry reactions, your teen must learn there are situations outside his control and the proper techniques for handling these uncontrollable occasions, so he is prepared when they occur.
Hidden Heart Is A Great Anger Defuser
Adapted from the book, “104 Activities That Build,” by author Alana Jones, the Hidden Heart great game allows teens to explore the hidden angers and fears inside as they build self-esteem. To play, the teen writes down on a piece of paper activities that make him feel angry, situations that cause him to feel discomfort, and occasions when he feels powerless or afraid, on small strips of paper inserted into a balloon called his “heart.”
The teen writes all their coping methods of hiding these feelings on a larger second balloon. Some coping methods may be humor, sports, walking away, feigning confidence or avoidance, such as shopping. Insert the smaller “heart” balloon into the larger balloon and blow it up. Discuss the coping methods used by the teen, talk about alternatives and lead the teen to evaluate alternate methods to deal with their anger. Pop the balloon as a symbolic gesture of breaking down these walls.
Role-Playing For Anger Management Strategies
Teach your teen an alternate method of releasing uncontrolled anger by role-playing. Designate them as the mediator in several stressful situations played out by other family members or teens. These interactions can be as simple as someone wearing a favorite shirt to losing in a competition. During the process ask them to describe different methods the participants could have used to handle the situation, before it reached a violent conclusion. After each session, have a round table for participants and the teen to discuss how the feelings were brought out by the situations and alternate methods of resolution.
Board Games Are Fun Games For Anger Management Skills
Play the board game “Life” with your teenager to illustrate to him that there events out of his control and left entirely to random chance. Discuss with your teen how rolling the dice is like life, although you may plan your future, other events may interrupt, or change your plans, causing anger. Develop strategies for your teen to minimize the effect of the random loss of control and strategies to work around the obstacles as they returns back on track.
Pass Around Is A Fun Anger Management Game
This game helps your angry child realize their ability to control emotions and feelings of anger and negativity. Instruct the students to sit in a circle. Start the exercise by giving a frown and stating why you are angry or upset. Pass the frown around the circle, letting each teen express any negative feelings he is experiencing. Next, reset. Instead of passing a frown, pass a smile around and state why you are feeling positive. End the activity by explaining to the group that each student has the ability to choose a negative or positive attitude.
Anger Management for Teens using Beat the Drum
This game helps teens realize that expressing negative emotions in a constructive way is useful for managing anger. Designate a corner of the classroom as the expression corner. Place a set of drums, either real or created from empty coffee cans or oatmeal containers, in the corner. Instruct the students to beat the drums when they are feeling angry. After beating the drums, the student should express his feelings in words. Extend the activity by allowing the students to beat the drum for any negative feelings. This activity is useful for preventing emotional outbursts in the classroom.
Anger Management Techniques And Great Anger Management Activities
This anger management game gives teens the opportunity to learn different anger management techniques that are useful for various situations. Create a card with a list of effective anger management techniques; potential techniques include exercising, thinking before you speak, using humor to release tension and practicing relaxation skills. Hold a discussion on anger management with the class before playing the game.
To play, call out an anger management technique. Each student that can give an appropriate example of how to use the technique raises his hand. Pick the student and have the student give his example, either from personal experience or his imagination. Discuss the example with the class.
Reasons And Ideas
This game teaches angry kids the advantages of controlling anger and the disadvantages of not controlling anger. Create three columns on the blackboard. Designate a column for reasons. Place helpful ideas in one of the columns and unhelpful ideas in another. Ask the students to brainstorm about common reasons teenagers experience anger; list their answers in the reasons column on the blackboard. Next, ask the students to brainstorm ideas to prevent anger along with positive and negative ways of handling the anger; list the ideas in the correct columns on the blackboard. Discuss all of the ideas, noting the positive and negative outcome from handling anger in various ways.
The teenage years are filled with many emotions. Anger is inevitable, and it can feel magnified within the scope of a teenager’s perspective and inexperience. Teaching teens anger management techniques through games helps them cope with anger. Healthy coping skills prevent anger problems from developing into lifelong habits.
Warning Signs
Many impulsive children and families are able to work things out on their own, but some may need added supervision and support. If your teen seems to be angry most of the time, seems to have problems getting along with many different people and in many different settings, or is physically or verbally abusive, contact your local mental health professionals for further professional help. Other red flags of angry thoughts you may notice include frequent fighting, cruelty to animals, property damage, using drugs and alcohol, strong interest in guns or other weapons, and gang affiliations.
Benefits Of An Anger Management Activity
While not every teen has serious problems with anger, all teens benefit when they learn healthy ways to deal with their emotions and teen anger. They gain increased self-awareness, better self-control, greater confidence and competence, and empathy and acceptance for themselves and others. With a little help!