How to use Music to change your mood
I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music.” – Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist
Music can definitely make you feel happier. You don’t need to be Einstein to work that out, but do you know why?
How it works
As we listen, music gets to work on our nervous system, sending messages from our brain to our body. These messages control our blood pressure and heartbeat. Music also sends messages to our brain that can change our feelings and emotions. Research with 1,000 pupils who took singing classes found they were happier at school*. Music really can affect our bodies and minds. Isn’t that amazing!
Try making a happiness mix
Try making a list of your favourite songs. You can choose songs that remind you of happy times or songs that make you smiley or excited or full of energy. If you are stuck for ideas you could also ask your family or friends to suggest some happy songs. Unsurprisingly scientists discovered that happy and upbeat music makes us feel happier. So if it is that simple we should definitely give it a go!
Simply use your list of favourite songs to create your own happy playlist
Create your own happy
You can create your own happiness by making themed music mixes to help you with every situation. You could make a music mix to make you feel energetic and another music mix to make you feel relaxed, you could make one to help you concentrate and one to help you feel calm.
Music is one of the best tools we have for impacting and changing our emotional state
Use your music to change your mood.
You can help yourself be happier every single day
Create your own happy exercises
This music exercise is one of many, many happiness boosting exercises from our book Create Your Own Happy. It is designed for 7-12-year-olds but really these happiness boosting exercises will work for us all.
You can order your copy on Amazon
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