I am so excited Ruby is here to share the story of her kindness eggs with you. I know you will be as inspired as I am and maybe your family will give it a go too? Please share it far and wide!
Hello my name’s Ruby, I am a really big fan of Becky’s blogs and have all of her books! So I am delighted to be here guest posting. I am writing about an idea to spread some happiness and positivity this Easter, it’s really simple but effective.
The idea for Kindness Eggs
I came up with the idea to make kindness eggs late February, when the 3rd lockdown had started.
I was looking for a project to do that would raise people’s spirits. I decided that the eggs would have a message for the person that discovers it to complete a random act of kindness and to then re-hide the egg so it could be a continued kindness chain! So, I ordered 36 refillable plastic Easter eggs and got to work typing out random acts of kindness to put in the eggs. And about a week or so later, I scattered them all around my small village in Somerset, while on dog walks with my family.
I really enjoyed checking on the eggs (and restocking with chocolate!). I loved finding that people have found and re-hidden the eggs, I even found that one lovely person had put a fox’s mint in to replace the chocolate.
kindness eggs
Kindness Eggs and Happy Vibes
In the 1st lockdown I started my Instagram account @happier_vibess to spread positivity and share ideas on what to do while in quarantine.
Some of the things I did in lockdown were: making rainbow coloured pom-poms to hang on our tree outside (and more recently: white pom-poms for Christmas, hearts for Valentines and eggs for Easter), leaving homemade dog treats and fresh water outside our gate for local doggies, positive chalk drawings thanking essential workers, decorated our windows saying ‘stay safe, stay home, protect the NHS’ and we left a box of drinks and chocolate bars for the people that deliver our post.
I really enjoy doing little things that make people in the community happier. I enjoy doing these things because it makes me happy thinking that I’m making other people happy. Random acts of kindness matter – find out why here
Lockdown has been difficult for everyone, with the worry about getting ill and not being able to go to school or work and not being able to see friends and family. A small act of kindness can go a long way.
How to make the Kindness eggs:
- You will need some refillable Easter eggs
- Print out the Kindness Egg Printable by clicking this link
- Write random acts of kindness on the back of each one (my list is below)
- Fold, and put each one in each Easter egg
- Add a little chocolate (optional)
- Hide them around your local area (I recommend putting them in places you know people will see them. Such as on benches, along paths that people regularly walk down and outside shops)
My list of random acts of kindness:
- Write a letter to a neighbour
- Tell a friend or family member you love them
- Drop something in the food bank collection box
- Give as many people as you can a compliment
- Check in on a family member/friend/neighbour
- Pick up some litter (make sure to sanitise your hands after/wear gloves)
- Use chalk to write happy messages on your driveway
- Ask a neighbour if they need anything when you next go to the shops
- Post a positive message through someone’s door
- Thank a key worker for what they do
- Tell a friend or family member your favourite thing about them
- Share/support a small artist or business
- Smile at someone
- Offer to put out your neighbours bins
- Leave a thank you note and/or treat for the postie or bin collectors
- Tell 5 people to have a good day
- Hug someone in your bubble
- Write a note to a stranger, leave it somewhere it will be found
- Be kind to yourself! Watch your favourite movie/TV program
- Raise money, or awareness for a local charity
- Ask every person you see today how they are
- Give things you aren’t going to use away (you could leave them outside your door saying ‘for free’)
- Send a letter to someone you haven’t spoke to in a while
- Write a letter of appreciation to someone you love
- Tell someone your favourite thing about them
- Make someone laugh or smile
- Attach a note to a chocolate bar saying ‘enjoy this chocolate bar and have a nice day!’ leave it for somebody to find
- Be kind to the planet, decrease your use of plastic
- Leave someone flowers with a note saying ‘this is a random act of kindness’
- Write someone a list of reasons why you love them (and give it to them)
- Be kind to yourself! Buy yourself a treat
- carry a spare face mask with you and give it to someone that has forgotten theirs
- Be kind to yourself! Think (or say) your 3 favourite things about yourself
- Be kind to yourself! Tonight, get into your most comfortable pyjamas and read your favourite book
- Be kind to yourself! Try a new hobby or activity you have always wanted to try.
- Be kind to yourself! When you get home, play your favourite song and dance like you are a little kid again.
I would love to know some of your ideas of random acts of kindness.
Follow me @happier_vibess and @kindness_eggs and share photos of your kindness eggs with the hashtag #kindnessegg
Thankyou Ruby we love your kindness eggs!
Further reading
You might want to stuff and Easter Joke inside your kindness egg. take a look here for some fab Easter puns
And for more ideas on how to be kind take a look at my kindness book
and my kindness quote book