I was so delighted to receive a copy of The Teenage Guide to Digital Wellbeing.

Oh, I think this is a great book and much needed as teens become more and more dependent , entertained and entranced by the digital world. They can hardly escape it, after all it is where their homework is, where they find out what their friends are up to and where they meet to chat, share news and gossip. They use tech to work, catch up, find inspiration and to while away the hours.
Tech is amazing and the digital world had made information accessible and the world smaller and closer and it is undoubtedly a brilliant asset. But sadly the downfalls are plentiful. It is addictive, it is rife with bullying and unrealistic / unreal images that persuade teens their life, looks and lifestyle are inadequate. It creates FOMO and it n be a rabbit hole that pulls teens deeper and deeper into unhealthy worlds. Balance is needed.
This guide is a very helpful way to ease teens back into the real world and reduce their dependency on the digital. It is all about encouraging healthier habits.
Tanya Goodin is an author, podcaster, and public speaker. She is passionate about introducing the concept of digital wellbeing to children and inspiring them to forge healthier, happier relationships with their digital devices.
.Tanya is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and is currently researching for a Masters in AI ethics at the University of Cambridge.
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