![Top 10 Best Growth Mindset Quotes](https://emotionallyhealthykids.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/taton-moise-zWQ7zsBr5WU-unsplash.jpg)
Growth Mindset Quotes are so inspiring!
I have written before about the best growth mindset quotes for kids and it is by a million miles my most popular post on this Emotionally Healthy Kids blog. It is also one of my favourite subjects and as many readers will know last year I published a trio of gorgeous quote books for kids all focussed on helping them grow heir emotional health and wellbeing know ting they are capable strong and growing all the time.
But you know adults need to know that they can grow and change too. It’s not just kids that need to be wise to this! That they are not fixed in attributes or personality but that they are ever evolving and can continue to do so even when childhood is far behind them.
My favourite Growth Mindset Quotes
So without further ado here are some off my favourite growth mindset quotes for adults this time! After all is we show we can grow we can only inspire our children to do the same.
A growth mindset attitude
My uncle Bob went as a language student to board with a family in Spain when he was 90. He had a brilliant growth mindset and no time for a fixed mindset that said ‘too old.’ He was a truly strong person, Growth isn’t all hard work it can be fun too. Ole!
Growth makes life meaningful which is why it is so important to embrace it. As Winston Churchill said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.’ One failure should not defeat or define is. neither should two or three. In twenty years you could have failed a thousand times but in year 21 the one big success that makes it all worth it.
Keep going and growing.
Carol Dweck would be proud.
Top 10 Best Growth Mindset Quotes
Stick at it
It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. – Albert Einstein .
Well it worked for him. The notion of not ever giving up isn’t what I mean here. Quite clearly in life sometimes that is the right things to do. But, giving something a really good go, throwing everything at it, being tenacious. It pays off. Important things get resolved and life moves forward.
You can do this.
Be authentically you
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. – ee cummings. (United States poet)
Many adults live a lie for whatever reason, trying to still fit into societal or parental expectations. You still have time to be truly yourself. Be free. Not matter whether you face success or failure. Keep striving for authenticity that it is where you will find your joy and your peace.
Growth mindset quotes from wise and creative people such as artists and scientists and poets are a beautiful source of inspiration and they are well worth giving your time and attention too. make sure you share this post with friends!
Keep growing and keep going
You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By becoming a little better each and every day, over a period of time, you will become a lot better. – John Wooden
Marginal gains are a great way to grow just tiny improvements each and every day. 10 more sit ups, an extra glass of a water it soon adds up. Have you ever read about the English Cycling team and how they used marginal gains in order to secure victory. It is fascinating stuff.
Live and learn growth mindset quotes
Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi
We can always know more and yet time runs fast. Now is the time to embrace life and to learn all that you may want or need to .
Dream big – Growth Mindset Quotes say go for it!
When I was running up to 50 I made myself a list of 50 things I wanted to achieve before 50. I managed 40 despite COVID and one of them was to give a TED talk on kindness. dream big and reach for the impossible! You never know how ffar you can go but when you set your intentions super clearly you at least stand a fighting chance.
You can do hard things – growth mindset quotes to encourage you.
All things are difficult until they are easy
But think about when you learned to walk/read/ride a bike it was all tough to start with but now you don’t even think about those things before you do them right. You can do hard things. They make life interesting.
Absolutely you can.
Come on you. Be your own very best cheerleader and surround yourself with inspiration.
Failure is purely feedback
There’s no such thing as failure, only results. Tony Robbins
What didn’t work? Why. Don’t do it again, simply try something else. All failure is feedback and that in itself is a result.
Believe in yourself
Believe you can….and you are halfway there! Theodore Roosevelt
The power of self belief is huge, Our thoughts affect both our feelings and our actions. A little self belief goes a long way. be your own best ever cheerleader in life.
Regret Nothing
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did.” – Mark Twain (author)
grab life , do what you want and aspire to do. It is short. Something’s only get one shot.
Be brave
Always do what you are afraid of doing. Ralph Waldo Emerson
be brave, be brave be brave it expands you r world beyond your comfort zones and takes you to the best places.
These growth mindset quotes are here to inspire you live your very best life – keep on growing everyone, you are in bloom. And stay hopeful
“Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords.” – Samuel Johnson
What to do with these growth mindset quotes?
growth mindset quotes for employeesg
growth mindset quotes for students
growth mindset quotes for business
empowering mindset quotes can be fabulous whether you are a teacher a business owner of an emoployer to motivate your colleagues to thinking in a dynamic way. You could add them to emails or newsletters or make posters and display them on walls. There are so many options! I always like to use one in my email signature and think they make great coasters or mouse mats!
Quotes on growth mindset
Over to you now – which one is your favourite and do you have any that you would like to share with me?
You might also like this post on growth mindset quotes for students.