10 Best Ways to Deal with Head Lice

Best Ways to Deal with Head Lice.

When your child has head lice it is easy to fall into despair. They are horrible little critters and notoriously difficult to get rid of. But actually, there really is no need to panic because there is a lot you CAN do to get rid of them. I am going to share my top tips with you today:


10 Best Ways to Deal with Head Lice

10 Best Ways to Deal with Head Lice

Preventing Lice

Before we even consider treating lice let’s take a look at ways to prevent them:


Encourage regular checks

Encourage and perform regular head checks, especially if there has been an outbreak in the community or school. Talk to child minders and grandparents about this too and encourage them to do this when caring for your child.


Educate your child

Talk to your child about what head lice is and to tell you immediately if their hair feels itchy or if one of their friends has it.


Use a lice prevention spray

Hedrin Prevent Lice is clinically proven to protect your children against head lice infestation. It is a simple spray in conditioner which you can simply use as part of your child’s hair care routine, and you can use as often as you want – lice cannot build up a resistance to it. Prevention is always better than a cure!


Encourage your child to avoid head-to-head contact

Despite the myth head lice cannot jump from one head to another and are only passed by head-to-head contact so discourage your child from this and you and they will reap the rewards.


During a head lice infestation

If you have discovered your child has lice it is important to take immediate action.


Inform everyone

Let family, friends, and school staff know about the lice so they can take steps to prevent further spread.


Use good products to kill the lice

Hedrin Kills Lice works in just 5 mins and is a powerful fuss free solution. It comes in gel and spray. Using good products is important as of course is following the instructions carefully.

There’s even a treatment for fidgety kids!

There is also a leave in solution for kids who just will not sit still! Hedrin Kills Lice Leave In can be used day or night!


10 Best Ways to Deal with Head Lice

Post treatment

Dealing with the lice on your child’s head isn’t the end of it, to be completely sure they are gone further action is needed and it is proven to work with just one application. It really is all you will need.


Wash and comb hair well

Once the lice are killed, they should wash or easily comb out of the hair – there is no need for vigorous combing regimes. The empty egg cases or nits are glued to the hair shaft and can be removed with the fingers or a fine-toothed comb if required and if infestation re-occurs Hedrin products can be used again within 7 days.


Wash Clothing, Bedding, and Towels

Once you have banished the head lice it is important to do a thorough sweep and get rid of them all once and for all. Machine-wash clothing, bedding, hats, and towels in hot water (130°F or 54°C) and dry on high heat.

Items that cannot be washed can be sealed in a plastic bag for two weeks to kill lice.


Vacuum the House, Especially Soft Surfaces

I know it is not nice to think about but unfortunately lice can survive on furniture, carpets, and soft toys for up to 48 hours. Vacuuming these surfaces can help reduce the chance of re-infestation so is well worth your energy!

Do check out Hedrin for all the products mentioned above.



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