Being Me And Loving It

Being Me And Loving It

Being me and loving it is awesome.

I just have to share this fabulous new book release with you. Being Me (And loving it) is a wonderful book full of brilliant resources to support a child’s positive self esteem. confidence , positive body image and resilience in children.  That’s exactly we want!


being me and loving it


Being Me And Loving It

The book is filled with stories and activities and can be used by educators, parents, therapists you th workers or coaches. the activities are suitable for group work on 1:1 work,

Thjs book is written by Naomi Richards  the UK’s first life coach for kids Julia Hague a primary educator.  They have made a great team devising 29 real life stories and activities  for children aged 5-11 Each story is the focus of a ready to use lesson plan and each story covers common issues affecting young people  such as bullying, self acceptance,weight and friendships.

This is a great book to use as a family as and when issues arise and I for one will be keeping it to hand as my daughter navigates the tricky pre-teen years. I will also be buying a copy for my child’s school as i think these lesson cover exactly the kind of thing children need to be aught.

Brilliant book and a really important investment for either school or families into children’s emotional health. The most important education of all

being me and loving it


Pop over to Amazon for your copy of Being Me (and Loving It)


Further reading

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