How to Help A Child Make New Friends – 7 Best Tips

How to Help A Child Make New Friends – 7 Best Tips

Do you feel like you need to help a child make new friends?

It is one of the most disheartening experiences to see your child come home from school and admit that they have no friends or that they are having a horrible time making friends. Sometimes they may have a lot of friends but “lose” them due to a school yard argument. Other than telling your child that there are tons of friends to be made, how else can you help them through this difficult time?


How to Help A Child Make New Friends – Give their confidence a  boost

Confident kids make friends more easily they are more open, outgoing, friendly and tend to smile more. It’s a good idea to help your children raise their confidence. take a look at my book Create Your Own Confidence for a range of confidence boosting activities.


Child Make New Friends



If your kid has a natural affinity for a certain sport like soccer or volleyball or baseball, why not enroll them in a local sports team where they can meet like-minded kids? Look through your community newsletter, your town newspaper or ask other parents if they know of any recommended sports teams. This, however, requires a commitment from you, the parent, as well, as you will be taking your child to practice one to two times a week and their games once a week. More than likely, you will also need to pay for their sports equipment and uniforms, so make sure you don’t mind participating for the long haul.


How to Help A Child Make New Friends – National Organizations

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are great ways for kids to make new friends. Usually, these “troops” are comprised of 5 to 15 boys or girls, so if your child is shy, they will not feel overwhelmed by too many other kids. These organizations usually have weekly meetings and fun monthly activities like horseback riding, camping and hiking. These groups focus on teamwork and leadership skills, so your child will be able to make terrific friends.


Church Organizations

If you are a member of a local church mosque or synagogue, more than likely, they will have a youth group your child can easily join. These youth groups usually meet once a week right before or after your usual church service. These groups often teaching the children about morals, teamwork, leadership, religion, humbleness, trust and honesty. These are great lessons for your child to know and they will be surrounded by other children who are striving to learn the same values.



If your child’s birthday is coming up or if you like celebrating Halloween, why not throw your child a birthday or Halloween party? Your child can give invitations to everybody in his/her classroom, as well as neighborhood children. Kids love parties and games and your child will be the centre of attention. This will not only give you a chance to teach your child about being a great host/hostess, but it will also put many new children in front of your child. Since your child will be on his/her own turf, so to speak, he/she may feel more at ease and be able to approach the other children more naturally.


If your child has a favourite hobby like sewing or playing the guitar, why not enrol your child in some related after-school activities with other children? If your child likes sewing, why not enrol her in a children’s sewing course where she can meet


How to Help A Child Make New Friends – final thoughts

How to Help A Child Make New Friends has to include teaching them how to be a good friend too. Check out my healthy friendship cards for some great tips to get them thinking about what that involves.



Further reading on How to Help A Child Make New Friends

Short quotes on parents


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