What to do when your child is tired at school

What to do when your child is tired at school

 Do you wonder what you can possibly do when your child is tired at school.

 Yawning, grumpy, struggling to concentrate?

I have been writing about this subject for Letts revision guides and sharing some positive strategies on how you can help your children deal with this…. I thought you might like a peek at the article here.



What to do when your child is tired at school

A school day starts early, often with a lot of rushing about. It can then be pretty much full on until the final bell goes. Younger children can find it exhausting. In fact they can be so tired after school that their behaviour can become irritable and emotional, so home is not the restful, relaxing place it should be either!
So what can we do when school makes our child tired? 
Well here are a few positive strategies:
Sleeping well is really important to feeling wide awake at school. According to the NHS children between the ages of 5-8 should get between 10-11 hours’ sleep a night.  Set bed and waking times and a wind down bedtime routine really help establish healthy sleep patterns. No screens at least an hour before bedtime, a warm bath, some calm, quiet and a story of two can all help prepare a child for a good night’s sleep.
A relaxed, structured morning will give them a great start to the day too and enable you to get a good breakfast inside them. Research cited at Eatingwell.com shows giving kids slower-burning carbohydrates like oatmeal, bran cereals and whole-wheat bagels for breakfast instead of faster-burning sugary cereals, works well to helps their concentration and attention throughout the morning.
Would you Iike to read more about this? If so pop over to Letts to read the full article  on what to do when your child is tired at school.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any strategies to suggest too? Please share in the comments below if you have.
 You might also like my post on how to support a child through exams.



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