Helping Your Child to Approach Longer Project Work at Secondary School – does it feel daunting?
Secondary school brings with it new challenges, some more fun than others. It brings new sports to try, new friends to make, new languages to learn and all of these can be daunting but exciting. Longer pieces of homework don’t tend to be met with quite so much relish.
In fact longer pieces of homework can be rather overwhelming. Being given several weeks to complete homework doesn’t mean your child just has longer to do it, what it means is more is expected of them, a longer piece of work at greater depth. This can really faze them and some children will really need your assistance.
Helping Your Child to Approach Longer Project Work at Secondary School
So how can you help?
Understanding what is expected is the most useful place to start. You won’t have access to your child’s teacher in the same way you did at primary school so if there is a lack of clarity around the project your child will need to go back to their teacher and clarify this themselves. It is so important to ensure that they absolutely know what is expected of them.
Once the actual work had been clearly understood, planning is key. It can be useful to sit with your child as they plan the approach they are going to take and figure out what work needs to be done. Once this plan is in place it can be broken down into bite sized chunks and time estimates given to completing each section.
Next they need to timetable in slots to do the work this paces the project and ensures it will be done in time. Also, by implementing this process the chunks of work become more like pieces of regular sized homework and your child should feel much less daunted.
To read the rest of this article head over to Letts Revision Guides where it is published in full
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